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Hello. Finding this makes it likely that you've had some similar thoughts to those of my own, that playing a He Man/Eternia/MOTU table...

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Eternia Items list and Eternia elements list

A character in Eternia could have pretty much any items that would be found on the item lists for most fantasy RPGs, along with quite a variety of "steam punk" or retro future kinds of items. In addition, some items were featured in different episodes and I felt them worth listing. Use this list to add a certain Eternia flare to your items lists or maybe a character will run across these unique tools. Or, maybe they'll be key to solving a mystery or puzzle as part of a mission.

Eternia Items List (d20)

1. Iron vine: Indestructible rope (S1, E56)
2. Water from well of forgetfulness (S1, E58)
3. Water from fountain of life... grants powers and saves lives (S1, E59)
4. Com Link... wrist communicator (S1, E10)
5. Robot Bird... Can be used to spy on others (S1, E11)
6. Scanner... Used to detect life forms, even through walls (S1, E13)
7. Flash Ball... Grenade that is basically just a bright flash of light (S1, E14)
8. Perma Powder... makes things permanent? (S2, E76)
9. Electro Compass... Helps the wielder find a power source (S2, E82)
10. Sleep Spray... Gun that shoots a cloud of sleeping gas (S2, E89)
11. Weakness Helm (S2, E97)
12. Duroplast Cage (S2, E105)
13. Energy Cuffs... Really strong handcuffs. Looks like a big blocky vest. (S2, E123)
14. Ice Crystal... Puts out fire and freezes all around it (S2, E114)
15. Heat Gun... melts through walls (S2, E116)
16. Bee pollen of Bee people... has healing properties (S2, E122)
17. Radarscope... can be adjusted to hone in on electrical signals, fitted on a vehicle
18. Mesotronic bomb... disintegrates stuff (S2, E110)
19. Reductor Ray... shrinks people (S2, E105)
20. Laser Mines... basically, a land mine (S2, E116)

Some items on Eternia have special properties because what the thing is made of is not of Earth. Here I've listed some of the elements unique to Eternia, each listed with the episode it was mentioned in so you can check that out if you're extra curious.

Eternia elements (d6)

1. Photanium... strong metal from Phantos (S1, E5)
2. Elastium... stretchy and very hard material on Eternia (S2, E72)
3. Corithium... Impenetrable stone (S2, E93)
4. Gambite... Crystal, when held, makes the wielder invulnerable (S2, E116)
5. Corodite... ore that provides power and is volatile when mixed with selenium. A corodite ray can even weaken He-Man (S2, E107)
6. Rainbow Quartz... Found in Snake Mountain. Can be used to power some electronics (S2, E88)

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